Cafe Con Leche
Pick-Up Only. Please make sure to have your Order Number ready when picking up your order.
Ingredients: Espresso, Sweet Cream, Foam.
Raspberry Truffle
Pick-Up Only. Please make sure to have your Order Number ready when picking up your order.
Ingredients: Raspberry Syrup, Hazelnut Syrup, Chocolate, Whole Milk, No Whip Cream
Horchata Latte
Pick-Up Only. Please make sure to have your Order Number ready when picking up your order.
Ingredients: Horchata Mix (Rice, Vanilla, Cinnamon), Whole Milk, Foam, Cinnamon Powder.
Abuelita Mocha
Pick-Up Only. Please make sure to have your Order Number ready when picking up your order.
Ingredients: Mexican Chocolate, Whole Milk, Foam, Cinnamon Powder.